Benefits of Using Infographics

Infographic created for Hummingbird Network by Pye Design

Infographic created for Hummingbird Network by Pye Design

Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. If you’re looking for a way to deliver information to your audience in a creative way, infographics could be the way to go. See below for some benefits of using visuals as a form of communication.

1. They Stand Out

People love information—especially statistics, numbers, and figures. Infographics are perfect for compiling a lot of data into one easy-to-follow format that’s both nice to look at and persuasive.

2. They Set You Apart

When you share your knowledge through an infographic, you’re not only positioning yourself as the expert, you’re also increasing your brand’s credibility. The research required to create a compelling infographic takes time, knowledge, and experience, something your readers don’t have until you give it to them. Readers will trust you as the expert next time the subject comes up.

3. They Generate More Traffic

If your infographic is compelling, it will naturally drive more traffic to your website. Every “click” or “share” is one more person seeing your content, and these days, people are more likely to share visual content than something that is text heavy. 

4. They’re Easily Read, Understood, and Remembered

What’s the point of great content if readers forget what they’ve read seconds after? Not only are visuals processed 60,000 times faster than text, but 65% of people are visual learners, meaning visuals are one of the best ways to get information across to the reader. 

5. They’re Great for Search engines

Visuals are much more “share-worthy” than traditional text content. The nature of an infographic makes people click, like, and share it, leading Google to index your website higher thanks to Google’s “Page Rank” algorithm.  So, not only are people more likely to share your infographic, Google even sees it as more shareable and will more likely give your page a higher ranking. 

Contact us if you think your business could benefit from an infographic!


The Loon Foundation takes wing!


Case Study: Hummingbird Drones